Menstruation: How Do I Have The Talk with My Kids?

Whether you call it your ‘Auntie Flow’ or tell people that it’s your ‘time of the month’, there are many ways to address The Period Talk - but How do we as parents start the conversation? And when is the right time? When my daughter's first pimple appears? When she decides to ask me?

In this Podcast, Tweenology Founder & fellow parent, Marlese Wallis, shares her story of Having the Talk with her own daughter- and how they founded Tweenology, a support platform for Tweens.

Brought to you by Epi-max Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.

About Marlese Wallis

So I'm a mom with a daughter of 12 years old... sorry 12 and a half! (I'm not rolling my eyes!)

I realised that something is definitely happening to her emotionally and physically when she was 9 years old. Emotionally I can see that she is growing up because things start to affect her... peers at school not being cool (hey that rhymed!), getting very over dramatic when I ask her to do some chores and sometimes being plain grumpy! Physically she is just really becoming a beautiful young little lady. Besides her length and really catching up to me, I can see fine acne on her nose. Some friends are already wearing bras and some might have even started with their period.

As a family we are pretty healthy and we love using natural products, but I really struggled to find skincare for my daughter which does not have nonsense ingredients in or aren’t too expensive. So we made it! With emotions, fear and anxiety that starts kicking in with growing up and peer pressure, we also saw the need to remind her how amazing and unique she has been made… so affirmation bracelets were born. And so the story goes on!  We are grateful to have products for boys as well although we don’t have a son ourselves.  What a privilege to honour kids between 8-12 years old.

This is a safe space where we can chat about everything that awaits us without feeling shy or scared. We can call it by its name and face it head-on! We can be brave and bold as we walk into becoming the wonderful young woman & men God has intended us to be.

Together we can figure this out and try to make it a smoother ride for all of us... and it will be FUN!!!!

Tweenology family

Here is what's inside this beautiful one of a kind Tweenology Period box:

  • A  beautifully illustrated  16-page 'Oh hello Flo' booklet which is packed full of all the information you need to know ranging from what is a period, your menstrual cycle, what to expect, products to consider, hygiene factors, tips & tricks, FAQ's and lots more! 

  • ANNA organic pads: The healthiest option for a first-time user. Locally made.

  • Boerseep: Take responsibility for your body and underwear and don't leave it for someone else to clean. Trust us when we say we have seen incredible results with this "Boerseep".

  • Craving Choklit: The darker the chocolate, the better for PMS. Included is a cute little 70% dark chocolate nibs packet.

  • Heat Pad: Awesome microwavable pain reliever.

  • No Stress Magnesium soak: A warm magnesium bath is comforting and relieves pain and tension. Use this limited edition mini magnesium soak whenever you need it. 

  • Tweenology Pouch: The perfect zipbag to take to school to keep your pads and clean undies in. We have added a ziplock bag for your soiled underwear to be washed out later.

  • "I've got the feelings" notebook: Use this notepad to jot down whatever you need to say but cannot say out loud. It can also be used to keep track of your period by writing down the starting date and end date of your menstruation.

  • Living life inbeTWEEN pen: To remind you how awesome you are and that you are not alone.

  • Electrifying Electrolytes: Electrolytes drinks can help ease muscle pain and takes your  muscles back to resting mode. It's hydrates and replenishes vital nutrients that could go lost with your period. 

  • Howzit Pimple Patches: Because with fluctuating hormones, sometimes pimples appear!

  • Hot Chocolate: To warm you up when on you feel you need it

  • Spiral Hairbands: Because who doesn't love a bit of sparkle.

May all these goodies teach you all you need to know and may it be a great start to womanhood.

All our love, Tweenology!

The following companies sells period panties & costumes:

Many retail shops in SA got onboard and are selling period panties, Woolworths, Clicks, Ackermans etc.  I only mention an Australian company below as we do not have a school-swimming costume in SA that is period-proof.  They do sell it here in SA.  I have added links to everyone of the brands mentioned below.